Mission Statement

Ascutney House is a level III Community Care Home with a passion for elder care. Our staff has over 20 years of experience and we have created an environment that is safe, loving, family oriented, and designed to maintain a high level of independence and dignity. When being alone or with family who work outside of the home becomes unsafe, lonely, or both, having to choose alternative living accommodations can be overwhelming. Our staff understands how confusing the whole process can be and is happy to lend support in whatever way they can. Moving is never easy and changing your lifestyle is even more difficult. We can answer questions, provide companionship, introduce you to other residents who have had similar concerns, and make the process as easy as possible. We encourage you to spend some time at our facilities. Take a look around, visit with other residents and get a feel of the atmosphere at Ascutney House. We think you will find that our environment is just what you are looking for and will meet your every need.

Visit our Brookwood Residential Care Home and Davis Home websites.

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